Research Methods in Psychology Essay
‘‘Treat Reporters as Gentlemen’’ is a critical complain from the members of press that scientists’ actions are appalling; therefore not fitting to be role models. Researchers tend to offer modest and abstract information. They are habitually reluctant to divulge more details prompting people to view them as ill mannered.
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Researchers hardly use public relations divisions to relay information about their work, but instead legit, arrogantly answer queries posed by reporters with no credible reputation. Some researchers have little experience with reporters treating them ruthlessly and mercilessly. They respond to queries concerning their work with dishonesty.
Researchers are extremely selective over what they want printed for public and expert criticism, and are normally unwilling to share contacts. They usually address their displeasure especially when it is late. Some have inadequate knowledge of science and should upgrade their grasp in science issues so that scientists and editors may nurture the public understanding of science.
The article asserts that scientist must learn to acknowledge the importance of information dissemination and disclosure. It is notable that the article only mentions the steps taken as an organization in conducting this research through sending letters to leading scientists and science writers indicating their egotistical nature.
It indicates that the research was first published in the scholarly journal ‘‘Bulletin of the Atomic S. The authors wrote letters to leading scientists and science writers elucidating perceived scientists’ behaviors by reporters and editors. They argued that scientists were out of touch with reporters, unwillingness to cooperate, and ill mannered.
The authors then received responses from the scientists who gave their experiences with the reporters. This research design is correlation since it tends to relate perceptions of the reporters on scientists and their actual behavior by provoking their personalities by sending them harsh judgments. The popular version of this article only dwelt on the research outcomes but not the procedures of attaining findings and conclusions.
From the article, it is imperative to know how the original research was formulated, executed and the dissemination of findings.
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Another crucial aspect is the procedures involved in the development of research background, literature review, study methodology, data collection, analysis, together with interpretation and reporting the results. It is thus vital for the scientists to make a paradigm shift in their actions to erasure the negative perception the reporters and other citizens place on them.
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